Comerciantes & Serviços

On this page you will find stores and merchants that accept Monero as payment, as well as exchanges that trade Monero for other currencies.

Merchants that accept Monero

Over the years, merchants of all kinds have come to value the financial privacy that Monero brings. In fact, merchant adoption is continuously rising.

If you are looking for places to spend your Monero, the directories below have some options. Please remember to do your own research before trusting them with your money:

P2P exchanges and Atomic Swaps

The best way to exchange Monero for other currencies (or the other way round) is using P2P exchanges, because they allow traders to directly interact with each other, without the need of trusted third parties (except maybe for providing an escrow service). These exchanges are more private than their centralized counterparts and allow people to be in complete control of their coins if they are non-custodial, but they usually have less volume than 'traditional' exchanges. In the section below, we offer a list of P2P exchanges that support Monero.

A new exciting way to exchange Monero is Atomic Swaps, which we announced on August 2021. Atomic Swaps are a completely decentralized way to swap Bitcoin <-> Monero (more info in the blog post). The technology is brand new, so there aren't many swap providers yet, but you can already sell XMR for BTC using this protocol at

Bisq Logo

Decentralized P2P exchange based on Bitcoin and Tor.

Open source:


No KYC (Know Your Customer):

XMR ↔ fiat: (BTC ↔ fiat possible)

Onion address:

LocalMonero logo

Online P2P exchange offering person-to-person trades.

Open source:


No KYC (Know Your Customer): Depends by the seller

XMR ↔ fiat:

Onion address:

HodlHodl Logo

P2P trading platform with non-custodial escrow.

Open source:


No KYC (Know Your Customer):

XMR ↔ fiat: (BTC ↔ fiat possible)

Onion address:

Monetory Logo

The aggregator of P2P exchange offers. Collects offers from exchange platforms and independent traders.

Open source:

Non-custodial: Depends by the seller

No KYC (Know Your Customer): Depends by the seller

XMR ↔ fiat:

Onion address:

Centralized exchanges (CEXs) & Swappers

If you prefer to use centralized exchanges, here is a list of renowned CEXes and swappers. Many more exchanges support Monero, we list here only a few reputable ones.


Centralized exchanges that offer exchanging Monero for national currencies and cryptocurrencies.

*Fiat currency to Monero trading pair (e.g. XMR/USD, XMR/EUR)


Swappers let users exchange XMR for other cryptocurrencies.

"Favor notar que os links presentes são listados por conveniência e para fins informativos; eles não constituem endosso da comunidade Monero de quaisquer produtos, serviços ou opiniões das corporações, organizações e indivíduos aqui listados. A comunidade Monero não se responsabiliza pela exatidão, legalidade ou conteúdo destes websites externos. Entre em contato com o serviço em questão para obter respostas sobre seu conteúdo. Seja prudente, você é responsável por fazer sua própria pesquisa. Sempre use o bom senso ao realizar compras online."